Monday, November 20, 2006

Path Of Water Through The Body


Some features of Excel can be very useful in solving various problems. In the example below you can see some of them:

Problem: Paul wanted to make a statistic of the cars that pass through the door of his home after 17 hours. for 10 minutes. In 20 days the following number of cars (shown in the table) Find out: What was the least amount of cars registered? And what's more? , The mean or average of cars circulating, the median, mode and frequency?

used the following functions:

= MIN (first cell: last cell) seeks the minimum value in the range of selected cells.

= MAX (cell: cell) as above but looking for the best.

= AVERAGE (cell: cell) averaged in the range of selected cells.

= MEDIAN (cell: cell) finds the number that occupies the central place in all the selected data.

= MODA (cell: cell) Indicates the number that is repeated more times.

= FREQUENCY (cell: cell, matrix) calculates how many times you repeat a number, this function consists of two parts in the first part up, it indicates the range of cells containing the data, then the matrix may be two cells containing the desired number and the last, for example if you want to search is repeated many times on 12 in cells containing the array is written 12 and 11.

The following image shows the solution of the problem:

Monday, November 6, 2006

How To Remove Popcorn Butter Stains

fraction converter

The following table makes a fraction of the number and also a number to a fraction.
is very easy to do, you just have to format the cells, you select each one and then have to go to Format , cell and Number . Then choose the options for each cell shown in the following image and acceptance.

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Mum Caught Me In Her Panties

number and vice versa practicing math calculations combined with Excel

Using an Excel spreadsheet can practice combined operations in which students enter data they want in the first 3 columns and then calculate the result in column D. Writing in the column test (E) the conditional function IF the program will indicate whether the result is true or false.
can be used with students at all levels and with different operations by changing the * and - other operators . The following
spreadsheet you can see a way to organize data.

Monday, September 25, 2006

Publix Roast Beef Sub

In this space I invite you to participate in a series of math activities using the Excel program.
This program is very useful and easy to use, just need to know some basics. The following image
the names to locate rows, columns, cells, and the formula bar.

To refer to a cell type first letter of the column and then the number of the row that is the cell. In the example in cell C1 multiply the values \u200b\u200bin cells A1 x B1. In the formula bar is operating.

math in Excel all begins with the sign = operation followed ex: if we multiplier data contained in cells A1 and write B1 in cell C1 following: = A1 * B1 then click ENTER and will result in cell C1
For multiplication use the * sign, division sign / , For the sum + and subtraction -

Remember that every mathematical operation in Excel starts with the =

I propose an activity to solve using the 4 basic operations

In a supermarket periodically change the money for large denominations, for example, if gathered $ 1,560 was exchanged for 15 tickets $ 100, 1 ticket for $ 50 and 1 ticket for $ 10 .

This activity involves designing a table in which by entering the amount collected automatically calculate the amount of high denomination banknotes.
As one of the operations to be used is the division, so that the result is an integer (whole numbers) will need to use the following formula: = INT (A1/B1) points A1 and B1 indicate the cells containing data to divide, as the return address to design these cells have other letters and numbers.

Here you can see a list with the possible format to use.

If the spreadsheet is working properly, by changing the amount of money $ 1,596 shall automatically change the values \u200b\u200bin other columns indicate the correct values, which alone will not change is the notes column to indicate the denomination of each bill or coin. At the end of the column test must show the amount that entered the beginning.

If they make the spreadsheet or have any questions write your comments may also send the forms to design the following e-mail:
Hope you like the challenge of using the talent to reach this activity.

Good luck, I hope your answers Greetings. Rodolfo

03/10/1906 Return activity
resolved: "Change for large denominations"