Saturday, May 24, 2008

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The European bee, also known as the honeybee and honey bears the scientific name Apis mellifera. It's more bee species distribution in the world. Originally from Europe, Africa and parts of Asia, was introduced in America and Oceania. Was classified by Carolus Linnaeus in 1758. Since then, many taxonomists describe geographic varieties or subspecies which currently exceed the 30 races. APIS


Scientific classification Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Insecta Order
Hymenoptera Suborder: Apocrita Superfamily
Apoidea Familia: Apidae Subfamilia
Apinae Tribe: Apini
Apis Species: A.
When a beekeeper hives referred to collectively do so from an intuitive concept of community, to discuss the components of an apiary, logically speaking knowledge of the biology of bees, whose social nature makes the individual in itself, no value for the community of bees. Therefore it is said that the hive is a superorganism. This behaves super-synergy, which is the effect produced by the interaction between the components of a system that makes the whole is greater than the sum of individual parts.

bees are eusocial insects social with three different types of individuals or castes in the colony:
1) Queen Bee.
2) bees.
3) Bee drone.
Each breed has its special role and develop a distinct type of work in the colony. The queen and the workers are female and the drones are males. Each caste has a development cycle time or different for each species itself and raised in different types of cells.

Queen Bee Honey bees are very interesting in many respects, survive and be perpetuated as a unit we call the colony. The queen bee depending on weather conditions usually begin to lay eggs in spring. This activity is conditioned by information received from outside (ie flow of nectar, pollen collection, day length, temperature, etc.).. The queen is the only fertile female lays eggs from which the other bees will be born. The queen bee does not leave the hive, except during the mating flight, or when a swarm to lead a new colony. The queen lays her eggs in wax combs that workers constructed with hexagonal cells. The egg after the third day into a small larva which is fed by nurse bees (young bees). After about a week (depending on species), the larva is sealed in his cell by nurse bees, producing the nymph or pupa stage. In about another week (again depending on the species), the nymph emerges as an adult bee.

Queens are not raised in typical horizontal honeycomb cells, but their cells are constructed to be larger and more upright. Moreover, they are fed pollen and larvae of the workers, but with royal jelly. It has been shown that this special power that makes a female to develop as a queen and not working. When the queen finishes her larval feeding stage and becomes a pupa, moves to a head down position, from which then eats his cell to exit. During pupal stage, the bees seal the cell pop or real. Just after emerging from their cells, often the queen bees produce a sound which creates a challenge to other queens for battle. Queen bees live an average of three years. The workers live much shorter periods, less than three months on average. The queen bees release pheromones to regulate the activities of the hive. Pheromones of the queen, among other things, modify the behavior of the workers so that they feed new larvae and queens rather than workers under normal conditions. Many bees also produce pheromones to communicate with others and other bees. Workers

Bees workers are females infertile. They secrete the wax used to build the combs and are also responsible to clean and maintain the hive, raising the larvae, monitor the nest and collect nectar and pollen. In

stinging bees, worker bees have a stinger-shaped container which can drive an enemy to defend themselves, but the bees die soon after nailing its sting, because it has a steely, so you can not remove, as part of the digestive system is attached to it.

Worker bees suck nectar from flowers, which is the energy food, and pollen, which they get protein, fat and minerals necessary for the survival of the inhabitants of the colony.

Drones Drones are male bees of the colony. Then produce eggs that drones have not previously been fertilized, so they have half the genetic makeup of the species. Drones do not collect nectar and pollen. The main purpose of the drones is to fertilize a new queen. These mate with the queen in flight. After completing the intercourse, the drone dies. The queen bee mates with several drones (over 15) in several flights of fertilization. Drones have no stinger and the stinger is actually a modified ovipositor.


Both workers and the queen bee is fed royal jelly during the first three days of the larval stage. Then the workers change from a diet of pollen and nectar or diluted honey, while those larvae chosen to be queen bees continue to receive royal jelly. This causes the larva becomes a pupa faster it will increase its size and sexual development. The queen breeders consider good nutrition during the larval stage is of crucial importance for the quality of the queens raised, other important factors being good genetics and a sufficient number of matings. Communication

bees Bees have a communication system itself, known as the bee dance. Researchers worked for many years trying to decipher the language of these insects. Different species have adaptations own language, but are similar. In 1973 Karl R. von Frisch, Konrad Lorenz and Nikolaas Tinbergen won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine after decoding as through dance, vibrational motions, the bees indicated the distance and orientation to the sun of the food source.

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should remember the wisdom contained in something that Albert Einstein once said: "If the bees began to disappear, humanity it would be a few years of life. "It is disturbing that in the world are becoming empty hives and bees are gradually disappearing, and being that 80% of plant species have flowers that depend on bees for pollinated. Without bees there would be no fruits or vegetables.

Small bees are an essential link in the chain of life that would be broken without them. One of the vital functions of the bees are in their active participation in the regeneration process the living world of plants. This huge cyclical work for plant life and human societies appear to be threatened today. In the last year has been a mass death of bees that is ruining much of the beekeeping industry. In Spain they have gone over 600 thousand hives in the United States over a million and a half of colonies have been empty, in Germany there are 25% less in France thousand hives and beekeepers are forced to leave the profession each year because of this crisis.

scientists are lost in conjectures on the causes of what they call "the syndrome of colony collapse." It is clear that the role of insecticides has been an important factor. Another possibility considered by some GM crops are corn genetically incorporated the function of a natural insecticide just the bees carry pollen to their hives. Until it has been scientifically hypothesized loss of bees to electromagnetic waves of mobile telephony. Obviously, chemical-intensive monoculture (as Valencian citrus hybrids veto the presence of colonies), changing the landscape with the disappearance of meadows and massive developments have been variable in reducing the habitat of the bees. Even according to some voices, the same chemical-intensive beekeeping few varieties of honey bees has caused increased vulnerability to pests and reduced the diversity of wild bees, weakening ecosystems in general.

The lack of honey production in Europe has increased dependence on imported honey, especially from China. In recent years there have been numerous health warnings from the European Commission to the recurrent presence of high levels of antibiotics and pesticides banned in batches of imported Chinese honey. Needless to say, we must demand the same health standards for products outside that compel our beekeepers.

we be facing a serious threat of a sad "Silent Spring", as Rachel Carson pointed out 40 years ago, only this time it would be without the buzzing of bees and a serious decline in plant diversity with environmental and economic consequences incalculable . This crisis calls an institutional response and strong scientific and coordinate at all levels.

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Apiculture or beekeeping is oriented farming raising bees (genus Apis) and provide the necessary care in order to obtain products that are able to develop and gather to meet the needs that men have of them.

The main product that gets the man in this activity is honey. An indirect benefit resulting from the activity of foraging bees doing the pollination corresponds to performing these insects.

History of beekeeping

The Mesolithic paintings found in the Cave of the Spider, in Bicorp, there are scenes of honey collection, although it is difficult to determine its origin, it is estimated that these paintings could be between 7,000 and 8,000 years old. In the Mesolithic from 10,000 to 5,000 years BC, man begins collecting wild honey from hives in the Neolithic period when he learned to control bees and swarms. There

historical data indicate the existence of beekeeping practices in the Predynastic period in Egypt, moving their hives in boats along the river Nile are papyri dating back to 2400 BC where we can watch practice.

beekeepers for many centuries enjoyed great prestige, the different cultures from ancient Egypt valued this occupation, since it provided the only sweetener, honey, known to the Middle Ages when, after the discovery of America, spread the cane and beet sugar sugar.

The Greeks, who founded Ephesus in 1100-1000 BC in Asia Minor Anatolia in Turkey today, beekeeping revered as the goddess Artemis after the Romans Diana was depicted on coins with the stamp of a bee the years 480 BC. In Thrace was also very common coinage with a bee. The Romans also practiced general beekeeping practices inherited the Hellenistic and made them a cult. Georgics poets works devoted to the description of the instincts, customs, intelligence of bees and the rational exploitation of these animals that never failed to surprise. In general, the stories always more advanced societies of all times, have found traces of knowledge of bees and the rational exploitation of honey and beeswax.

Beekeeping peaked when the only element known to sweeten food was honey. This changed after the discovery of America and as a result of sugar cane, and the importance of beekeeping decreased significantly. But their practice was not interrupted at any time.

The modern beekeeping starts with the creation of the combs and moving pictures, by not destroying them in harvesting honey, beeswax sheets and mechanical harvesters, reaching its peak in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century through the work of scholars such as Arturo Wülfrath Brockhoff, Huber, Dzierzon, Quimby, Langstroth, Brother Adam, Fabre, Hoffman, Miller, Alley, Doolittle, De Hruschka, Mehring, Root, Munn, Miner, Harbison, Wolf, Phillips, Smith, Dadant, Fabre and Farrar. Special mention

Wülfrath Artur B., who established the largest honey bee World Carlota SA call the City of Cuernavaca, Morelos.

Apiculture products

are several products obtained from the tireless work of abejas.Los traditional products extracted from the hives have been honey and beeswax.

past, the role played by the wax was perhaps greater than the honey, because of its use in the manufacture of lamps or candles and other important applications, such as waterproofing the wood, rope, leather, cloth, etc.

With the development of new techniques for storing, handling and mechanisms for collection has also begun to collect pollen, propolis, royal jelly and bee venom (apitoxina).

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blooms at the scene of the settlement of beehive not only have a decisive importance in obtaining a greater or lesser vintage also have keys for the bees to deploy in time and intensity necessary appropriate breeding to obtain sufficient adult bees and obtain an abundant harvest.

Over the years the bees over into their genetic code responses to the alternatives presented to them in their daily lives, which are basically:

season considered.

time climate.

amount of nectar in a radius of one km.

ease or difficulty in collecting.

All these data are "translated" into a number of breeding to develop and that is the best considering all factors, on the basis that the colony is ready to desenvoverse normally.

We can simplify and say that to be improving over time and gradually rising summer temperatures at the end of winter and most of all to find ourselves in the middle of spring and summer most plants flourish by encouraging the breeding colony. This will in turn bring enough cattle to supply the hive not only for the high consumption of time, but to have a surplus to the days when it is not possible to take the field to collect nectar. Continuous observation allows us to establish with little variation according to the particular year to consider and power of the colony chosen the sequence of events that is similar each vintage, allowing us to provide in a way the state apiary and correcting action to detect any deviation.

As mentioned the genetic code of the bees as the situation allows for adequate response outside the breeding number, so our involvement will always be with regard to this secondary aspect, while respecting at all times the stimulus that they translate into activity. Of particular interest

taken into account in the early days of the initial removal when they are very sensitive to the distortions that our manipulations may cause them in the thermal stability of the nest because of the great temperature difference with the outside.

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is a product that is used in medicine and are obtained by placing on the floor of the entrance a sponge covered by a bare copper wire which passes a small electrical current intervals, bees are entering Download and nail thorn in the sponge may recover later, little by little sponges remaining in the pellets of poison that we collect crushed. Colonies subjected to this production tend to increase significantly the aggressiveness, should be taken into account and install away from inhabited areas to prevent attacks.

known properties of poisons are bactericidal





is the largest known vasodilator, thins the blood to be thinner, you will recognize properties in cases of rheumatism and now the poison is used in a rational way in some countries.

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As we know, in addition to the wood of the hive that serves as outer protective wax is the key component that facilitates the beekeeper to their colonies, so the more you recover the economic benefit is greater, the power again be modeled and the bees avoid consumption of large amount of honey to make it back in your body.

In colonies with movable panels get wax in two ways: when those wear out and when we renew after a few years or when recovered from the uncapping of the honeycombs. In both cases must be stored protected from moths, if not melted away, especially those who have been breeding in a few days are spoiled by the colonies of moths, wax from honeycomb cappings or later something else to be attacked, but in the end it is becoming unusable.

Combs were breeding than melt wax from the uncapping, contains many more foreign debris, especially the buds of the successive batches of bees in their cells were born.

The merger is carried out by preparing boiling water where the wax is poured gross melts slowly separating from the buds of the young, and we are going up by pulling on the top serving us a strainer current The liquid that remains is water and the melted wax residue next to unusable, for easy disposal into container emptied wide mouth and try to cool it is as slow as possible with what is going to bottom of pan deleting by scraping. If you have doubts about whether they have become something of impurities after this first merger nothing prevents us from casting again, taking care raise the temperature just enough to liquefy and again we let it cool slowly.

wax we have the caps should be washed with water to remove all the honey and melted in the same way but in this case we get and the purest wax in the first merger if we do it with a little care, It never mixed the two classes.

To facilitate mergers can use the solar CERIF is a box well covered the walls painted black and fitted on the front double glazed, and having placed a tray with combs inclined to melt and the most lower a bucket to collect the wax is liquid, the CERIF is placed on a site where the sun to heat through the melting is rapid and complete.

wax blocks that we can get sent to a factory in the sector on appropriate machines will be done again obtaining the perfect printed sheets that are in the market. For our use in small sections or series can use a manual press called the book that bears engraved on both sides of the drawing of the blade, cast in the middle of the wax to the lower temperature, close and get very brittle and is very convenient to install as part of the march, some additives are purchased to facilitate its elasticity. As is normal that the wax tends to stick to faces of the press to be wet with soapy water before pouring the wax.

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is a staple for when bee larvae until they are six days of life, three of larva, and Queen for life. If we consider the transformation that occurs in the queen bee destined to be compared to their cousins \u200b\u200bwho are we suppose to jelly direct action on it.

jelly in obtaining production techniques use large number of them realeras to be those containing more and be relatively easy to obtain.

prepare nurseries for this purpose as those used for the offspring of normal queens or do farming on a plastic cells. The latter method requires a step logically prior larvae and that is why something more laborious, but has the advantage of being able to take the bars with realeras our workplace and there easily remove the suction jelly with a special device. When the tables are in realeras we take the apiary and farming, which may contain, even when capped can be damaged by the blows of the transport and cooling during the transfer, we must be careful because the new bees are born shoots the old will die soon.

If we do a nursery in mind that after removing a batch of jelly realeras build another enough, but by their means can not do more, it's time to bring them together or leave them evolve into laying workers sometimes make good realeras where we collect your jelly, at the end of the colony will die out. If we fit one introduced in the colonies that we have prepared orphans and those who keep them sealed brood regularly active.

royal jelly obtained was stored in dark bottles and must remain in the refrigerator, being consumed in small quantities.

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To get it we rely on the tendency of some other colonies, to bring to the hive with lots that plug together and set next frames and parts, as reflected from the yolks of several species of trees and even pick that found in the abandoned hives.

When hot weather becomes easily mouldable harden when cooled then tending to break, if we put up pictures of a strong colony a plastic mesh or fine mesh is soon covered with a layer, when thus retired and put some time in the fridge to become brittle propolis twist the fabric coming loose and being collected in a clean container.

propolis properties are recognized:







Among the most common uses include its application to cuts, wounds, chilblains, cracks, burns, boils, oozing, varicose ulcers, calluses, corns, warts and eczema.

preparation starts by collecting propolis which is on the walls of the hive boxes or on the web that we have exprofeso for this purpose if it contains some impurity chop it fine and we threw in a bowl of cold water where good Propolis sinks and impurities float, so we then left to dry in a cool, dark place on a cotton cloth, when dry is mixed with ethyl alcohol of 96 º in the proportion of 1 part of propolis for 10 of alcohol, and let marinate for a week in a dark bottle, the direct light damage him, occasionally shaking the bottle at the end is filtered with a clean cloth and packaged in the final bottle will be dark it is ready for use.

When we produce small wounds were smeared with the liquid to help heal while disinfecting. Small

throat problems are improved by adding an equal amount of the dye that we have prepared another part water and one of honey, mixing well after gargling use it at bedtime and upon rising, this product is recognized as the best known natural bactericide and fungicide. Commercially

may be present in sprays and creams ready for use.

Deise Milani, Wikipedia

is another important production that we can get the apiary and have important life skills that benefit human health. Is an essential element in feeding and breeding adult bees, but not consumed directly, as part of their diet to remain suspended in the honey consumed. The bees carry the hive prepare them correctly in the field like small balls placed in a basket located in the hind legs to reach the hive they put in the cell immediately to the breeding to be consumed immediately once there the ability to move, not being enough to feed the larvae is almost zero, if for some reason is not totally consumed may hold several diapers and even botching the colony without removing it from the cells.

In Asturias in general there is no difficulty for the bees to find everything they need and still have plenty, hence it may be desirable to collect a portion for consumption.

When we want to get pollen in the runner must place a special device called "cazapolen" and is composed of a metal or plastic plate having holes of 4.5mm which when crossed by the workers make the rub pollen balls with the edges of the perforations, causing his fall into a drawer beneath and part of the appliance, drain off the inside even every day if the humidity is high, after collected and reviewed to remove any impurities that may be be dried in hot air without exceeding 40 ° c moving the pollen mass we placed on screens and thin, never dry in the sun, this last drying ensure that the final product moisture is 8% to finally pack it in airtight jars.

is of utmost importance to assess the time that the traps can be placed as though it seems that a few days after the bees placed traps decreases the size of the balls to make it through the grid this may not be sufficient to provide the amount necessary consumption of the young may even die of hunger. With this in mind every four days removed the grilles allowing free access to the workers, there will be places where they should be removed before or stay more time is very important personal value.

noteworthy is the variety of colors of Asturias and pollen ranging from heavy to lighter red, green, gray, various shades of yellow and white, that makes this production is very striking when in encouraging packaging sale. Pollen packaging may be altered by bacteria that destroy thereby taking a short shelf life.

As the most common is that taste is not too pleasant should consume it after mixing it with some juice or food that we disguise the taste. Product qualities that we seek to deserve consumption.

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Of all the products you can still get the apiary honey which represents the largest economic volume. Processing by bees leaving the field begins when the oldest, foragers, bring to the hive an amount of nectar in the crop that have absorbed the flowers and occasionally other green parts of plants. Contains

being collected a large amount of water varies depending on the plant where appropriate and climate state, is also characteristic of each plant composition on the content of sugars and other elements that give the minimum amounts final flavor, color, crystallization rate typical for the variety of plants.

When the workers reach the nest deposit the nectar in the cells immediately if your target is to be consumed on the fly, when the amount collected is surpassing the needs of daily consumption is gradually placed further and the remaining will be matured and finally capping it will be the subject of winter, before the beekeeper removed a portion of that amount which he estimates will not be consumed and which is the harvest. It should be mentioned that bees do not ever work for the beekeeper whatever action he may have on the colonies, bees follow their instinct for preservation stored for a rainy day honey, the beekeeper can only improve to some extent their natural living conditions and provide some facilities that will result in a greater harvest.

The process has to happen before the nectar honey is somewhat simple, but the huge amount that is necessary to collect and prepare to have a measure of honey is such that when a colony makes us as many extra kg. honey we think of the enormous effort that these people have had to make before getting it and the amount of bees that have died prior to disposal as we are, this should make us think that all care and all actions must be done respecting the integrity of the colony for its structure and organization considered almost perfect.

When the nectar is deposited in the cells is taken up several times by bees which thus are gradually evaporate the excess water while they add their own enzymes, so the honey does not look anything like the nectar I was at the origin, when bees are considered mature enough to seal each cell that contains a thin layer of wax in the same way they do for breeding, as of this moment we can say with all content property is honey.

A sign that guarantees that the product obtained is of the highest quality is to get completely covered honey comb, allowing us to keep certainly will not be expected fermentations would manifest undesirable when packed without being quite mature, in the case of honeycombs obtained much of its surface without opercular.

Although it is common to get liquid honey, it is possible that bees obren on small panels that will be consumed in its entirety, including the wax support, the groups call into sections and get placed in lieu of a cash flow increases especially those where they have special measures, the wax used is totally pure tin obtained from the melting wax from the cappings and the beekeeper can stamp it with a simple press from a book. Once you are placed in boxes full of outdoor action are ready for sale, its final presentation as well as the "finish" by bees is crucial, and they are reluctant to work and tend to build "defective" which prevents the sale.

liquid honey needs a specific process to be obtained and first and basic condition for a clean look at all the tools that should be stainless steel or plastic for food use and only to work with groups, the necessary operations are them in a large or small apiary but there are notable differences in the machines that you can use.

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Nectar and nectaries.

Nectar is the sugary liquid bees collect from plants and will be developed after the honey. The part of the plant where the nectar is called nectaries and is inside and towards the base of the flowers, to a much lesser extent some plants have extrafloral nectaries.

In the bottom of the flower are tissues that have an accumulation of sugars that constitute a food reserve to be used after flowering in the early stages of fruit development, some of these substances are carried outwards in small droplets that are collected by bees.

Two phenomena are those that give rise to nectar

lot xylem sap.

many plant transpiration.

The root uptake of nutrients dissolved in water is called gross sap ascends woody vessels to the green parts where it is elevated and transformed through photosynthesis function in substances assimilated by plants (sap processed) .

Excess water that carries crude sap is eliminated through sweat during the day is intense and that at night is very limited, excess water can not be eliminated by transpiration is through the holes minimal called stomata forming droplets is very sugary nectar. A third phenomenon

takes place during the production of nectar is called osmotic pressure, thanks to her and the imbalance between the sugars that the plant itself promotes secretion is maintained, the presence of a very sweet liquid in the nectaries and other less sugar in the tissues near creates a difference in the level of sugar that tends to be matched but never achieved as a result giving the nectar secretion.

variations in the composition of nectar and the quantity exuded is very noticeable, changes in soil moisture and air are critical, you need a good soil moisture so that there is nectar. The air has a decisive influence, if the winds are dry causing great harm by contributing to the evaporation of nectar before it is used by bees, and temperate humid winds facilitate transpiration of plants to be loaded with moisture, thereby producing nectaries form continued.

High temperatures favor the production of nectar provided the air has sufficient moisture, but it favors the transpiration of the plant and the nectar flows in smaller amounts.

Bees can make a selection on certain nectars by the ease or difficulty to reach the nectar with their tongues, some flowers have difficulties "mechanics" to have deep corollas where only come equipped with long-tongued bees is the case of flowers with fused petals.

The chemical composition of pollen is very variable depending on plant type, season, weather, etc.. generally contains 30% carbohydrate, about 1% protein and minerals still being in such small amounts that are later given the characteristics of aroma, color, crystallization, and others typical of each kind of honey.

When circumstances favor the nectar production is renewed constantly and so after a bee brings together what is the plant starts soon out through the stomata of a new provision, it is recognized that just as the bee takes the nectar accumulated favors the production of more, since it accumulates on the ground indefinitely.

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is common finding after watching placidly as the comings and goings of the bees in a colony / as attack us and persecute us if we left. The memory of that unfortunate encounter will remain indelible in the memory reinforced by the effects, intense pain and considerable swelling but, fortunately very rare cases the above may produce reactions of intolerance or allergy with serious or very serious consequences . All this has given rise to a halo caution, fear and even hatred, which makes more than anything else in many cases the application of modern beekeeping techniques to the uncertainty of losing control of the colonies, causing serious damage. It is normal especially in the amateurs and beginners in this sense that memory when performing tricks and tend to a very nervous when they doubt their ability to control the colony they handle, or when trying to find that angry bees everywhere stung, in most cases is more than justified that fear is not difficult to realize that it has completely lost control of the situation makes it impossible to continue not only to the colony which we are but in addition on the others to which we approach with fear and poor decision.

is no demerit to a beekeeper whatever their level of losing control over a colony, but the important thing is to know or guess why it occurred and then take action or avoid future situations that lead us down that path wrong .

Considering active beekeeping to be a priority objective must be to know in depth the natural behavior of bees, as we who we adapt to them, knowing and interpreting their reactions and only when altered by subjecting the natural aggressiveness minimum Forbidding continue our work. We are aware that we protect ourselves only to prevent accidental damage and never to isolate them. Our protection we no longer carry a puncture site in a delicate face, shaft. but their mission is not to prevent bees reach us anywhere else in any situation, to ensure that no strike us out of a small number, we must properly manage the colony, as is known aggressiveness is inherited, so it is different depending we handle race and different colonies of the same race, is somewhat higher in colonies with young queens, but also the quality of management has a decisive influence on its manifestations. All those maneuvers involving great death of bees should be considered defective and likely to exacerbate the aggressiveness of the colonies that remain alert for several days following the operation, preventing closer. In analyzing the behavior of bees separate two different aspects:

reactions to shocks received.

information can be deduced from the observed behavior of the colony.

reactions to shocks.

Depending on the distance between the emitter colony can be classified as:



captured in the immediate environment directly into the nest.

When bees are far from the colony and its mission is only the carrying nectar or useful elements are entirely peaceful and can be petted with care not to crush them under these conditions if something bothers simply go elsewhere. About

hive shown aggressive when we stand in their flight paths, especially from the back and less are very attuned to movements and smells.

The immediate surroundings are the bees who have made the first flights with the oldest in charge of defending the nest inside the hive are added the younger workers leaving only excluding newborns. In the hours are very active in the field Most foragers thus subtract a number of bees which contributes to increasing the ease of management do so.

Of these three forms of behavior that interests us is a priority to know the latter, we can act on the causes, the first no relevance and the latter have a relationship with the past.

We must know in detail the reasons that make a quiet neighborhood to our intervention now present intolerant toward us, this knowledge prevents us from acting pending the surprise that makes our work enjoyable and confident, always keeping a positive attitude them, which will help greatly in control, our fear is detected with high accuracy and do not hesitate to take advantage of our weakness, severe control after a swarm of bees attacked us is not like the quality beekeeping we do, it is necessary to deepen the knowledge of behavior of the colonies. Reactions

proximate causes.

bees alter their rate of work when they perceive a / as basically four reasons:

vibrations picked.

sudden movements.

unpleasant odor perception for them.

adverse weather conditions.

colonies are extremely sensitive to vibrations picked up, just the slightest knock on wood to respond with a buzz from the inside, is a warning signal, but not only that, the vibrations received from a few meters and pick them up and cutting the grass nearby is received as an annoying disturbance surely the roots closely tied to the land serve as the driving element to the base of the hive, and within all elements are fixed by the propolización expected attenuation is low thus causing irritation. The case where agricultural machinery working near the settlements and still are behind walls are their drivers attacked. The proximity of railways and roads cause of discomfort that results in an increase of aggressiveness in going to handle whatever the technique used.

When we are working in the colony the most common cause of irritation is the blows by moving elements, we must be careful to avoid them at all times, working slowly and taking off the frame especially helped in both hands avoid sudden movements that cause collisions with other parts causing alarm among the population and predispose the attack.

The second cause is induced aggression causing sudden movements, it can demonstrate the difficulty of the bees to see objects that stand still and we can see how striking the wood of the hive or the table when they return flight on calm days, if the object of attention moves very quickly detect precisely where he is, if we are slapping away a bee does not we are only helping pinpoint addition we express hostility and one would expect a flat tire.

A bee watcher sees perfectly the movement of a finger when you move quickly from a distance of over four meters, jumping in that direction if we persist in this attitude. If the bees are not vigilantes do not question the presence of people, but is otherwise disturbed, this only happens in apiaries with a lower aggression level, this may be a way to measure the impact of our dealings in the behavior of the colonies.

By removing the hive to open the vibrations are the leading cause of alert, sudden movements of our smoker spatula and the constituent elements of the hive are nothing but added that will cause a swarm of killer bees, for us is second leading cause of induced aggressiveness and a reason to change our technique if necessary.

Thirdly know that when we stand near the hives and do not reduce undesirable vibrations or shake the bees detected by our arrival at the nest of our scent or that of our clothing or tools to carry.

The concept of smell is not good for bees as for us, giving the case to use elements of the industry and meet seemingly appropriate cleaning bees who do all they can to throw out of the hive.

Their greater tolerance is, of course, the natural materials we use to odorificar new items and avoid rejection, grass apifera Bee Ophrys is very convenient to rub the gloves as soon have been played and make it go away the smell of poison it can also be used to rub the diver or the same mask to avoid, propolis dissolved in alcohol can be used to impart odor to the wood. Odors from other items issuers are subject to harassment and aggression as well as animals and kept away from the colonies or avoid performing maneuvers when they are present in the environment.

The fourth section are all atmospheric phenomena that adversely affect the collection of nectar and are on their own source of anger for the bees. The wind, the intense heat which causes high evaporation and poor collection of nectar, summer storms, fog, etc. provided that the collection of nectar is scarce make this altered colony and very attentive to everything that happens in the environment, good management are only possible when you are simultaneously reaping a great harvest.