Saturday, May 24, 2008

How Much Is A Small Cabins


Of all the products you can still get the apiary honey which represents the largest economic volume. Processing by bees leaving the field begins when the oldest, foragers, bring to the hive an amount of nectar in the crop that have absorbed the flowers and occasionally other green parts of plants. Contains

being collected a large amount of water varies depending on the plant where appropriate and climate state, is also characteristic of each plant composition on the content of sugars and other elements that give the minimum amounts final flavor, color, crystallization rate typical for the variety of plants.

When the workers reach the nest deposit the nectar in the cells immediately if your target is to be consumed on the fly, when the amount collected is surpassing the needs of daily consumption is gradually placed further and the remaining will be matured and finally capping it will be the subject of winter, before the beekeeper removed a portion of that amount which he estimates will not be consumed and which is the harvest. It should be mentioned that bees do not ever work for the beekeeper whatever action he may have on the colonies, bees follow their instinct for preservation stored for a rainy day honey, the beekeeper can only improve to some extent their natural living conditions and provide some facilities that will result in a greater harvest.

The process has to happen before the nectar honey is somewhat simple, but the huge amount that is necessary to collect and prepare to have a measure of honey is such that when a colony makes us as many extra kg. honey we think of the enormous effort that these people have had to make before getting it and the amount of bees that have died prior to disposal as we are, this should make us think that all care and all actions must be done respecting the integrity of the colony for its structure and organization considered almost perfect.

When the nectar is deposited in the cells is taken up several times by bees which thus are gradually evaporate the excess water while they add their own enzymes, so the honey does not look anything like the nectar I was at the origin, when bees are considered mature enough to seal each cell that contains a thin layer of wax in the same way they do for breeding, as of this moment we can say with all content property is honey.

A sign that guarantees that the product obtained is of the highest quality is to get completely covered honey comb, allowing us to keep certainly will not be expected fermentations would manifest undesirable when packed without being quite mature, in the case of honeycombs obtained much of its surface without opercular.

Although it is common to get liquid honey, it is possible that bees obren on small panels that will be consumed in its entirety, including the wax support, the groups call into sections and get placed in lieu of a cash flow increases especially those where they have special measures, the wax used is totally pure tin obtained from the melting wax from the cappings and the beekeeper can stamp it with a simple press from a book. Once you are placed in boxes full of outdoor action are ready for sale, its final presentation as well as the "finish" by bees is crucial, and they are reluctant to work and tend to build "defective" which prevents the sale.

liquid honey needs a specific process to be obtained and first and basic condition for a clean look at all the tools that should be stainless steel or plastic for food use and only to work with groups, the necessary operations are them in a large or small apiary but there are notable differences in the machines that you can use.


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