Thursday, April 19, 2007


resort of Spa and baths Caldeliñas Villaviciosa

Continuing our route through the resorts inactive in the province of Ourense , returned to the town of Verin . Remember, as stated in the entry spa and bottling Requeixo Villaz that this city is characterized by the large number of springs and the use made of its waters.

Some are still active and others were abandoned long ago. As further check on our trip to the spa mondon , one thing we learned in our visits to these places and the spa concept in this region be had. While we often imagine a spa as a place where relaxing bath full of body and mind, in these areas, the spa is intended as a place attached to a spring whose composition in various minerals, were suitable for the treatment of various diseases related to deficiency in these elements. As an example, high iron concentrations in the waters of mondon make this liquid suitable for the treatment of anemia, illness occurred in the absence of this metal. In the same way that preventoria were abandoned once found a cure for tuberculosis (see entry mountain sanatorium E spun ), spas ceased to be useful when you found a way to manage those minerals artificially healing or medicinal acquiring that water was enough to approach the nearest supermarket.

baths Caldeliñas be considered an advance or approach to the current spa concept, as practiced in the mud baths where the hot springs were used and bicarbonate -sodium, lithia , fluoride, salinity and alkalinity of the spring to cure skin diseases. Also assume that the water is also consumed orally to treat diseases such get gout, bladder stones, etc.
In the ruins that had to be the guest of the resort we found no obvious signs of religious reasons, but we assume that the tower still stands, housing a chapel, and that in all these resorts the religious aspect was so into account as health . Proof of this is the image of the Sacred Heart of Jesus still preserved in the resort of Requeixo or hood and frame that held the image of Santo Tomas de Beto in mondon spa.

currently is scheduled to return to transform and exploit the waters of this spring. The proximity to the town of Verin makes this an attractive place for the stranger who wants to enjoy these waters. A dense pine forest on the other side of the road, gives a slight indication that it was once dominant around the resort, today, a modern building houses bordering the site, highlighting yet again the ancient and noble, banana shade that mark the way to the bathrooms and offices. Some

the signpost images (now in day illegible) and the windows of the structure


In a room about 50 meters from the main building, the bathrooms and spring. They still retained 4 rafts, bathtubs communicated with each other, and are responsible for collecting water emanating from the depths of the earth. also see another bath at a higher elevation, completely dry, which we imagine to be preparing or implementing curative mud. Whoever has had the privilege of plunging into the icy waters of any river in the area, mean when I say that water flows from the spring of caldeliñas is really hot. Displayed bubbles rhythmically indicate that the source is still alive.


A majestic building constructed of large blocks of granite, extending still awesome. A tower crowns the whole. The cover is lacking, but the walls and structure are preserved despite the passage of time, symbol of the strength with which these buildings were designed. In the input can distinguish an illegible sign to tell us the rule use and the place, now in ruins.


Verín Leaving the hospital, and Laza address, once you run out of town Salgueiro, right in the Fenton to sign population, the left side of the road we can see the whole spa and baths.

Nothing else see this poster, the margin left of the road are the bathrooms

Other details

baths Caldeliñas are included in a route called "Route das Augas ", which includes: the source of the toad, Cabreiroá , Sousas ... Surely one day we have some free hours invested in making this route you will see insurance thirst quenched and of course, the path represented as an entry in this blog.

Colorful Bracelets Means


sites that can cause us different views from various points of view. All equally valid, without detracting from each other.

In fact, this review will be published based on a visit we made the Club Cela Madrid a few months ago here. A companion Abandonalia, and published an excellent report on your own blog,
therefore not go into historical and physical aspects and the site today.

So I dedicate it to explain a different aspect to all of the places you go visiting, from the point of view of feeling, that we sometimes forget things, and the impressions that at least in me caused the place.

Thus began my adventure by the site owners:

Since some meters before you can see from the road, silhouette, old, naked and daubed by different social groups that roam freely there.

is a place that not many years ago, supported life within its walls, both the operatives who worked there as thousands of cattle were all killed there.

In principle, a site that should not lead to more feelings that can cause seeing an abandoned, dirty, and despoiled by opportunistic scrap.
But when I arrived, not entering the building facing the office fridge and you can see above, if not for the rear, where the ships were used by different companies operating there, I could not feel a sense of anger against those that violate this type of construction, which should endure as perhaps were left to their fate, and so that future generations would know how a world where your ancestors lived.

Having seen the sad aspect auxiliary vessels offering a feeling of disgust is what at first felt, but how can humans be so stupid? And this is what I photographed while we walked through the devastated ruins.

I feel the same as the redneck graffiti ... What sense does it? Filling indiscriminately paint every square inch of every stone, every brick. But it's just not what I come here I will relate.
It occurred to me to enter one of these old ships and badly burned, you never knew if they were going to like broken pieces of the roof at any time, and was reflected in the camera something that I could not see at that moment, What you see in this picture?.

They are a kind of "spheres" of light that moved by what appears at high speed through the frame of my camera. Some say they are the souls in torment "of the deceased, that it died of a painful or dramatic, the case ... they can be soul "losses" that could not happen "the other side." could also be specks of dust in suspension or the wings of an insect, but I did not use flash on this day, so it was not. Leave in your hands to decide whether they are more than dust in the air, maybe one day we know friends who might be.

Passing through the rear of the building containing the offices of the corrals where the animals were kept waiting for their fate. Sad
brick and cement cubicles, covered by a dilapidated green plastic roof, with a little number for each cattle pen, and only one road they were mentioning that led directly to the metal door leading to where he was the butcher and other staff. Among horrible screams of agony, the animals were sacrificed and hung on hooks hanging from all facilities, and once gutted, bled and checked by the veterinarian on call, were taken through the dark hallway of the building cold air in were also the offices of the complex.

I would think twice before you go into this corridor so special ...... if one is a bit sensitive will account the thousands of events that may have occurred in a place so full of adrenaline like this, with people urged to give maximum performance without stopping, was a continuous run of achieving marks of animal sacrifices, especially with competition had in that sector.
For example, just see this old butcher's apron, to me at least I remember the slaughter of cattle poor ......

And if we go to the second floor of this first building of the abattoir, a dark staircase, too insistently reminds one that rose to an old attic in the film at the end of the ladder, I think when I was worried up those old steps, which may hide when finally we reached its highest point ...

So, when we contemplate what was right in front of us was that there was no roof, having been burned the top floor, finding the bathrooms there, apart from some old showers, with great views today , can you imagine being able to shower in the moonlight? Judge for yourself ....

Once seen perhaps the most joyous and comforting site installation, the rest is much more funereal. And I say that it is now time to dive into the depths ..... in the building of the huge cold storage is the descent into a dark world, where light barely .... we get some old office furniture, refrigerators and a staircase that is down to reach the basement, and we can expect there?

is a cold, wet and dreary, the day of the visit also had a musical accompaniment I can never forget, the graffiti artists who were there were wearing the kind of music you'd expect to find if you go down to Hell, I felt like Dante in front of me and behind us, just total darkness. As you progress, easy sugestionarte, the temperature difference on the outside is very large, and that infernal music, make it impossible to imagine things. In order ..... only is the engine room of the slaughterhouse, with groups of water pressure, and controls the refrigeration rooms.
The old files are place on top of an office building in a
sorry state of neglect and decay.

There is contained part of the history in the form of memoranda, accounts, stock lists, product information, etc etc. Just
side were more rooms, perhaps there spent the relaxation times people who worked there ...

Leaving the complex, there is a small house, which proved the old bar-cafe location. Presided over the fireplace room, full of life before, now burned by the vandalism, soiled, his remains are disappearing rapidly.

And that's it, I think the photos speak for themselves ......


  • Ignacio original topic (foofighte)

Monday, April 16, 2007

Sample Write In Receipts

or Hive Collapse Disorder Internet

few months ago he read an article in the net loss on a very curious case, in various parts of USA caregivers bees were reporting a significant fall that kept populations of about 60%, lei, leave it in the back of the brain.

Today, luckily I read an article in a tabloid and bit me a little curious, mostly because the phenomenon seems to is expanding.

What is happening?
CCD (collapse disorder hives, or Colony Collapse Disorder), as it was to call this disease, is a strange situation happens in bee colonies across America and parts like Spain, Germany, Greece, etc (and growing area of \u200b\u200binfluence).

The CCD is the sudden abandonment almost all adult bees in the hive , leave behind a hive supposedly healthy, with ample reserves of food, larvae, eggs, a spiteful queen and young bees population without emancipate. The bees will disappear is presumed to die away from the colony and therefore can not find traces of them.
reports that are read every day seem to indicate that the loss of hives is between 60% and 80% , eye, we are talking about the big farms of hives, where from one day to the other a beekeeper you can see from its 13,000 hives emptied was 11,000 (source ).

Another curiosity of this disorder, is the known fact that the hive is immediately attacked by hives nearby, this is very strange because they usually just weakens a colony of bees, it is attacked by numerous predators, including neighboring hives.

There are many theories floating around, including one that blames cell phones, but most likely be a side effect of transgenic foods. It began as a call to the CCD, the "HIV bee" because as you can see the remaining bees are very sick and her immune system destroyed.

Ok, we ran out of honey and ? I like more the Mantecol.
Well we have a problem, which is already present, 90% of fruit production depends on pollination by bees, no bees, no fruit, no fruit no fruit salad end of the year and therefore we were no year-end, bye 2008.

Seriously, is this in anticipation of a massive food excasez this year due to the incredible drop in the number of bees.

If you have shares in a company of fruits, that country is then fixed, because they either can fail, or can be profitable super-special. More


Thursday, April 12, 2007

Krusteaz Panckae Mix To Make Biscuits

If ancient Rome had had Internet ... I plugged

work so today instead of an analysis of a program, I'll put a little text that I found humor out there.

The destruction of Pompeii in 79 AD is the most watched video on YouTube. The first comment said ... "Pri!" and the second "wow that is cool that a volcano I love them."

Attila the Hun has his own page on MySpace. So far no emails rejection of "Invite your friends."

The email with the subject "Ides of March" sent by the Prophet Julio Cesar, failed to arrive because they will filter into the spam folder.
(Ides of March was the Roman way of indicating one day, in this case the Ides of March is March 15)

The Caesar said "Et tu Brute?" is available as a free download ringtone.

The domain name "gladiator.rome" sells for record sum of 1,000,000 denarii.

todoscontrahadrian.rome owner was forced to surrender the domain name and also parts of their bodies selected by an independent domain tribunal preceded by ... Emperor Hadrian.

"Naked Cleopatra" is the most searched for on Google.

Unfortunately, the Queen of Egypt had early death after misunderstanding a council of systems people to embrace an ASP solution. (Ok this is very nerd, is that Cleopatra died by a snake called aspis, ASP, Aspis)

blogs Hannibal all his journey through the Alps with entries like "Today we lost another elephant, pucha"

Tiber. com opens, initially selling only papyrus and stone tablets, then expanding to include togas, ceramics and kits-you-please do it yourself. Sites like

-lawyers-British pollute the search results thanks to the generous commissions in the affiliate program

Developers Romans complain of projects are canceled and sent to do in Mesopotamia, where programmers are much cheaper.

The Colosseum Colosseum is renamed to Toyota, with free wifi around the restaurant "language lark"

spam volume collapses when the penalty for not allowing a way removed from the list is changed to deliver a virgin daughter to fight the lions in the Colosseum Toyota.

but still continue to receive emails of Brunhild, the lonely Visigoth, and great deals on livers of roosters Gaul.

Nerds wear gowns that read "no place like CXXVII.0.0!" (Bonus points if you understand that)

Finally, Rome burns completely as the Emperor Nero battle online with Hakkar the Soulflayer in World of Warcraft.

Email Marketing Reports

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Bleeding Gums And Stds

If Rome had created a GMail account

some time now, GMail, Google Web mail, can register their service without invitation. For those who do not know, GMail is a webmail-like Yahoo Mail or Hotmail, but with many unique features that put it ahead of other web email services.

Today you will learn how to sign up for GMail

First you have to go to the GMail site.

then need to register by following this video demonstration you will be able to do, it's still very easy and intuitive.

Once ready, just you have to log in, and if you have any questions, you can read the tutorial GMail I have written in this blog. Links

Google Gmail

Gmail Tutorial

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

How Does A Brick Oven Work

How to transfer videos to your cell (or Palm) Finding a job

few days ago in another blog entry wondered how this could be done to pass a video to cell phones At that time I gave a short response program that we see today.

Pocket DivX Encoder is an application that greatly facilitates the process of converting a video to a format and size suitable for your phone (or palm). Download it

To install a program before you install it, and before there is nothing to download.

Go to the official website PocketDivXEncoder and go straight to the Download section, as shown in the picture:

And then download the latest stable version (as I write this entry, 0.3.60) . Installation

This program has a feature, not installed But it is a single executable with all the information needed within. So that puts it anywhere (desktop, for example)

So you should see the program icon on your desktop.

Ok, now let's run the program, double click on the icon of this and after a while you will see this screen, which is PocketDivXEncoder window.

But ... is in English! and you most likely do not know English. Let's change the language to English, so you can understand what the program says ..

click on the Help button (This says next to Exit)

'll see a new window, then you will see text that says "Change default language, change it to" is "

Ready! press OK and return to the home page.

Convert video
Now, if much more intuitive if it is in a language we all understand, right?
order to convert a video to your cell, the first thing you have to do is select which video you are going to transform, for that, click on the button with a futuristic windows folder (the first of these you see here)

This button will allow you to choose video file you want to convert, elegilo and click OK. After that, you can change the name and place where you saved the converted file, the default PocketDivXEncoder going to save the converted video with the same name as the original video, but the text "-cell" that is, if you repent the video for Motorola, you'll have, "Motorola", etc.

Once you chose to save the file, you can choose more options like quality video or audio, if you want to give more brightness, increase the volume, etc.

Clicking on the arrow to the left of Quality Audio, you can access a mini menu selection to choose quality three audio options, Hertz, Hz to more longer the sound wave and therefore better quality. Kilobits per second, more kbps, more information per second, and therefore better quality. Finally you can choose if you want audio to be Mono, Stereo, etc.

See how the legend Final size appears, this indicates the approximate size that will occupy the converted video to higher quality, more size, recordal.

Finally you can resize the video, if you want to have a file smaller, or larger, the good the program is that it shows real time what you're doing, while watching the video.

For example ... dewatering the video ...

enlarged the video now ...

Finally, click on Validate this size video.

Encoding video to your mobile
probably want to convert your video instantly to your phone, so let's go directly to that section.
click on the Advanced button, you'll see how the top section expands to show a new area

This new area allows you to choose which type of mobile device to transform the video, and choose the position, that is, if you're going to do with the phone (or palm) side, or right, etc, most of these options you're not going to play ever; The other options ignore it for now.

When you click on Select device, you will have a fairly large variety of devices to choose from, if what you want is to pass the video on a cell phone, you have to choose the first option.

In my case I see the videos on my Palm Tungsten T5, so I choose the device to the Palm Tungsten (generic).

Once you choose the device and positioning, re-click the Advanced button to hide the section.

Generate video
Finally, you just have to click on the button direct encoding, which begins the process of encoding video, which may take several minutes.

Luckily PocketDivXEncoder shows you a process state so that you know how much I need to finish coding. Tene
that there are more than minimally useful options to edit your videos.

Cut Video
If you want to cut a portion of the video, only you have to click the Cut button


This will allow you to cut the video and only a section of this process; To do this, click on any part of the video where you want to start and start elegilo as video (with the button that is below the gray bar), then you can mark the end when you want, or just let the video finish to get everything to the end.

This was all about this program, good luck!

Official Website: